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WHAT IS THE DSO?It's a reciprocated method of engagement between the University and its alumni. The University desires to foster greater alumni engagement through more face-to-face and hands-on experiences to mend negative perceptions. The University seeks to embrace alumni, leaning on their expertise, knowledge, and skills. A Direct Support Organization offers opportunities for alumni to engage at any level that is comfortable for them. Examples of what an alumni DSO can offer may include various organized interactions such as special alumni events and opportunities to interact with students. The possibilities are endless engaging the B-CU family. The new university-sanctioned alumni organization is called the Bethune Cookman University’s Alumni Association (BCUAA).
WHY DID THE UNIVERSITY SEVER TIES WITH THE FORMER NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (NAA)?The National Alumni Association was a third party between alumni and the University. The work done by the NAA has always been appreciated. However, during the Reaffirmation process, it was determined that the University would suffer adverse effects based on the non-renewal of the required Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University and the NAA. Upon learning this important component to Reaffirmation, the University needed to adhere to the SACCOC (SACS) Standards (Standard 5.3) immediately. A case in point to how any third-party group affects the University is in the Percentage Rate of Alumni Giving. When donations are made to a third party, then subsequently given to the University, it is considered indirect or a soft donation. Indirect donations do not count toward the University’s alumni giving rate. To increase the alumni giving rate, it is more advantageous to give directly to the University. The rate of Alumni “giving” has a positive effect on influencing outside donors who can be paramount to receiving large donations and is advantageous to the University’s fundraising efforts.
HOW DO I JOIN B-CU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION?It’s easy! Complete the membership form found online and pay your appropriate membership dues. If you are joining a regional alumni chapter local dues will need to be paid as well. In the coming weeks your digital membership card will be sent to you via text.
WHAT IF I CURRENTLY HAVE A LIFE MEMBERSHIP?Any individual who can show evidence of holding a life membership from the past national alumni association will be grandfathered to the life membership within the B-CUAA and will gain automatic membership as a Partner-level in The B-CU Alumni Association‘s Legacy Partners Giving Society for a year.
ARE THERE MEMBERSHIP DUES TO JOIN THE B-CUAA?Yes, dues of $50 will cover a calendar year starting January 1st through December 31st. There is a membership fee discount for young alumni and individuals who are faculty and/or staff of B-CU. Remember all recent graduates receive one-year FREE membership in the B-CUAA upon graduation. In addition, we encourage all alumni to join the Legacy Partners Giving Society. Visit the website for more information about the Society.
IS THERE A REGIONAL ALUMNI CHAPTER IN MY AREA?Please visit to learn more about our current Regional Chapters. If you do not see a Regional Chapter in your area and would like to start one, please contact us at
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF JOINING THE BCUAA?Being a Wildcat has its perks. As a valued B-CUAA member, you can access exciting perks like exclusive B-CUAA member pricing and free virtual classes. The Bethune-Cookman University Alumni Association Perks at Work is a resource designed to help you save time & money by offering savings and rewards from national retailers on the purchases you already make - big and small - so you can do more of what matters to you. A list of resources can be found on the website.
HOW DO I DONATE TO THE UNIVERSITY?All donations should be payable and mailed directly to the university. To learn more ways to donate to the university visit the "Donate" section of the website.
WILL MY DONATION BE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE?All donations made directly to the university are tax-dedcutible according to the IRS rules and regulations.
WILL MY DONATION BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIVERSITY’S HONOR ROLL OF DONORS?Yes, all donations made directly to the university will be recognized.
WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED?558 Oak St.; Daytona Beach, FL 32114
HOW DO I ORDER A TRANSCRIPT?To order a transcript, please go to the: Transcripts Ordering Center First, please make sure any financial obligations to the University are resolved. Transcripts cannot be issued unless your account is clear. Normal Processing Time The normal processing time for transcript requests is five to seven business days. During peak periods (registration & grading periods), processing time may be up to 14 business days. Express Processing Options Express Mail options are available for an additional cost and will be processed within 48 hours after the transcript request is received. NOTE: No Saturday or PO Box deliveries. FERPA / Privacy FERPA, a federal law, protects your privacy and your right to determine who outside the University may or may not see your records. Accordingly, we will not release your transcript to anyone without your written authorization and signature.
I NEED INFORMATION ON HOMECOMING 2024We invite you to join us Thursday, October 24 through Sunday, October 27 for a fun filled weekend of alumni activities and events! On Saturday, October 26, B-CU will celebrate with the biggest homecoming tailgate at Municipal Stadium as B-CU takes on University! Click the link below to register for Homecoming 2024 and reserve your hotel at a discounted rate! Homecoming 2023 Details:
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